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A McKinsey Company
A McKinsey Company
A McKinsey Company
Mirko Kobiela Affiliate Advisor

My purpose is to create and help create safe spaces in which individuals and organizations can get in touch with their full potential.

This is the place for me where true transformation can take place.

Working with the very natural desire of human beings to live a fulfilled life and to contribute to our well–being, I coach senior executives, managers and young professionals on their personal and organizational growth journeys.

I compassionately help people see what they might be blind to to explore new possibilities and strengthen them in developing new practices and learning. I enjoy working on organizational/ cultural level and combining this with personal transformation towards a more human and holistic workplace.

I have over 20 years experience in multiple industries with a strong human resources background and proven track record in leading international teams. I worked in publicly listed and family owned companies and cultures.

I live with my wife and two children in Bavaria, Germany. I love traveling and exploring different cultures, enjoy being in nature, am a passionate skier and dedicated to my spiritual path.